Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Therapies in Review

I can't believe another year is over! This year has just flown by!
This is what I have spent all year working on...
80 sessions of Myofascial Release to help keep me loose.. Thanks Andrea!!
60 hours of TheraSuit Therapy
40 hours of Hyperbaric Oxygen
9 hours of Speech Therapy at the Kauffman Center
40 Swimming Lessons
About 10 hours of combined speech and occupational therapy
2 Feldenkrais lessons
 3 wholistic Chiropractic adjustments
1 session of craniosacral therapy
 One month of syntonic phototherapy
Lots of floor time and practice riding my bike
Therapies needn't always be hard work :D

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Feldenkrais Lesson 2

Leanne was very interested to hear about my new little achievements!
* I can still stand with my left foot flat
* I rolled over on my knees with my bottom up in the air
* I have elbow propped a little on my right arm
* I repositioned myself in a completely new position while sleeping
I went from sleeping on my belly.... 
To this!
We worked with my right foot a lot today and all the little muscles that are in it.

And after I was able to stand up with both feet flat on the floor

Lots of time was spent on my back and spine too. She said she could tell that no one had worked on it before, I have lots of cocontractures.
I don't have many photos because for a good portion of my time today I was being worked on over Mummy's shoulder!
I was a bit grizzly. Leanne said that is what happens when she does lots of work on children - the information seems to make us a bit tired and cranky. Adults get so tired they fall asleep!
By the end of the lesson my leg was starting to get shaky and was bouncing up and down, Leanne said that this was because my muscles are starting to release - good signs!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cranio Sacral session 1

Last Monday I had a Cranio Sacral session with a lady called Kathy. Mummy didn't really know what to expect. Kathy spent all her time working on my feet. She could feel my whole body flow through just touching them in her special way. She didn't think I would tolerate her making such big changes by working on my head.
The hour seemed to speed by, it doesn't look like much was done to my physically, but I had the best sleep I have had in ages! Solid from 10.30 pm - 4.30 am when I woke and went back to bed with Mummy and continued to sleep until 7.30 am!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Feldenkrais Lesson 1

Today I had my first ever Feldenkrais lesson. It was completely different to anything I have ever tried before. I spent an hour and a half rolling happily around the office floor.

Leanne was gently moving me. Putting my feet flat on the floor and getting me to push with my feet so I would slide backwards on my back. She also pushed gently on the soles of my feet so I could feel the movement through my body. She rotated and put pressure on my pelvis and even got me to lift my bottom off the floor! 
Leanne asked a few questions about how I spend my time at home. When Mummy answered that I spend almost all my time on the floor and that I have no wheelchair, equipment, standing frames or aides etc and was medication free she stopped what she was doing with me and reached out and shook Mummy's hand.
Leannne spent a lot of time working on my feet and pelvis and a little on my back. Her theory was that you need to work on establishing the roots before you can start attacking the branches! (my arms and head) The whole lesson I was vocalising, and even though not very much time was spent working on my right arm I managed to partly push myself into a sitting position using my weak right arm only!! I ended up laying back down and pushing up on my left arm, but Mummy's eyes popped out when she saw me do it!
Another real surprise came at the end of the lesson. I wanted to stand up so I could give Leanne a big cuddle and all on my own, without any positioning help I put my left foot down flat! Most of the time I need lots of help with my feet, usually they are both a bit like my right one is here in the photo.

One thing Leanne mentioned (and I can't completely remember the words she used, so I will have to double check this ) was that I had no skeletal structure awareness or connection on my right side, which sounds fairly right. I don't realise I have a right arm or leg, I barely move them.
She asked Mummy to watch me for a couple of days and see what she notices, and also mentioned that I might have a good nights sleep tonight because she pumped me full of information! I will keep you all posted!
I can't wait for lesson 2!!!

The Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method®

The Feldenkrais Method® is a unique and practical approach to the ongoing development of human awareness, movement and learning. It mindfully engages each person in a thinking, feeling, sensing and moving process, enabling them to better enact their intentions.
Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), the founder of the method, had a broad appreciation of the fields of physics, mechanics, anatomy, physiology, motor development and martial arts. He also had a personal need, as he sustained a knee injury for which he could find no treatment.
Out these diverse studies came his method which uses movement as the means for exploration of the patterns of behaviour, which are the way we live our lives.
Recent research in neuroscience, behavioural science, systems theory and learning has made it clear that many of the strategies employed in Feldenkrais lessons have a sound foundation.

Functional Integration (FI)
In a Functional Integration lesson, a trained practitioner uses his or her hands to guide the movement of a single client, who may be sitting, lying or standing (fully clothed). The practitioner uses this "hands-on" technique to help the student experience the connections among various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, the client learns how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Lessons may be specific in addressing particular issues brought by the client, or can be more global in scope. Although the technique does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or "cure" physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. Issues such as chronic muscle pain may resolve themselves as the client may learn a more relaxed approach to his or her physical experience—a more integrated, free, and easy way to move.

*this information has been sourced and exactly copied - it was the only way I could describe the therapy as we begin our journey

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sitting Up

The week after I returned from doing my intensive therapy in America (about the second week in May 2012) I did something new, something special... I learned to sit up!

Sitting up has lead to me being able to do lots more big boy things!

Like sitting in a shopping trolley

And having a ride in the shopping centre! This ride made Mummy a bit dizzy walking around beside me. But in the end she didn't have to worry about me falling out, because not once did I slip!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

America Day 22 - Thera Suit Session 19

This was my second last day of therapy at the Pediatric Fitness Center. Chris is teaching me to hold onto the bar so I can support myself.
And to weight bear through my arms when I am in a standing position.

We did some sit to stand exercises

Where I push through my feet to lift m y bottom off the seat to stand up

And we did some exercises on the prickly penut ball too

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

America Day 23 - TheraSuit Session 20

Every single day that I have attended the center Chris has warmed me up and rubbed me with arnica oil. He has been leaving my left arm out because I like to move it around and it makes me happier if it isn't pinned down

Leg exercises with weights were on my to do list today.

As well as pushing down to the table with both my legs

Having the leg splints on makes it really easy to stand up.

More weight bearing on the penut ball

Mummy took LOTS of photos today...

Standing on my own two feet with out shoes will help me to find my own centre of balance,

And I was using them to support my own weight,

My legs have gotten so much stronger in these last 4 weeks

Four point is still not a favourite position for me to be in

And as a result of me not wanting to cooperate, my arms were put in splints so I had no choice!

It was a nice way to finish up all my time here in the USA with a bike ride. A special bike like this is definately on my 'to get' list as soon as I can!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

America Day 22 - Kaufman Center Session 9

This is my very last session at the Kaufman Children's Center. I have had 9 sessions and Mummy has learned some pretty handy tips. Before we left today, we were given an exercise routine to follow. Something that we can keep going with at home. Jessica was very keen for Mummy to keep in touch and said to let her know if we needed any help and that when I master these techniques to send her a video and she will write me a new programme.

Starting the day with some vestibular stimulation

I ate some banana

And popped some bubbles with my lips

And practiced my sucking from a straw.

America Day 21 - Kaufman Center Session 8

I did some good sitting on this swing today, and some good holding on too.

The reverberating microphone made me realise that sound was coming out of my mouth. It did make me stop suddenly the first time I heard a sound come back at me.

Mummy couldn't believe I ate all this. This mix was mango, carrot and apple puree - it didn't taste bad, BUT it was FROZEN! I have only ever tolerated eating something that was frozen once, so this is a big step for me. Jessica suggested starting all my meals with a little bit of something frozen to make me really aware of my mouth.

This is me crunching a vege tube between my teeth. Just another sensation and another texture so I can get the idea of biting and chewing.

America Day 21 - TheraSuit Session 18

Working on my recipricating exercises, this will help me learn to use each leg independently, so I can learn to walk

Long sitting is always kinda fun. I can rock myself from side to side, it makes it much more enjoyable!

My bottom lip is out, but I am getting so much better at supporting my own weight and balancing. Look no hands!

Chris is trying to make standing up more fun. I am weight bearing on my hands here too.

All this hard work must be good for something....

Like being able to stand at a walker! Don't be fooled... I don't really like this one either...