Saturday, May 14, 2011

HBOT- Day 5

Five days down!! A whole week of Hyperbaric Oxygen has been done! (And my nappies are still smelly, smelly, smelly!)
Today when I was on Mummy's lap waiting to go into the chamber I was kicking like crazy! I was so excited!! It was like I couldn't wait to go in! I was pretty good too. I sat happily for most of the session. I normally have cool toes- I did when I went in the chamber, but when I came out they were warm! It was enough to make Mummy comment to Paul who has been monitoring our sessions and he said that HBOT was great for circulation. He put a little machine on my toe (like the ones that doctors put on adult fingers) and it gave a reading of 100% oxygen saturation. I had oxygen flowing from my brain right down to my toes :) I don't normally stay still long enough to have the reading done, but this afternoon I was happy to let it be there.
On Fridays I have swimming lessons (so I had one before I came for my fifth session) Jess my teacher commented that I was looking at her during the lesson, this was completely new for her. She didn't know that I had been having oxygen, it was just a passing comment, but a welcome one! I am glad she had noticed!

Mummy has noticed that my pupils seem to be more dilated, Daddy has noticed that I will flinch now if something comes towards my face, and you just can't sneak into a room anymore with out me wanting a pick up. I think there may be an improvement with my vision, but honestly it is hard to say. I notice when the iron lets off a big puff of stem too. I do seem to be more aware, and happier to go to sleep at night.

The people at Hyperbaric Worx seem to think the next thing that will happen to me is that I should start to put on weight. (So for the record I am 8.2kgs and 80cm long.) They have had success with fixing digestion problems and they think the quantities of dirty nappies I have been doing are a good sign that the bacteria in my digestive system is being fixed up. They are not at all surprised by the smell either :)

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