Saturday, April 7, 2012

America Day 5 - TheraSuit Session 5

I did lots of balancing exercises today. I practiced from side to side and front to back. I really didn't like it much today. It is so hard to constantly push up on my arms and legs.

This is me practicing on the balancing board. I was rocking from side to side. My arms are splinted because I wanted to do anything but lean on them and sit up straight. I didn't like this exercise much!

I didn't mind the exercise that rocked me from front to back though!

And I worked on strengthing my legs with out the splints. The wieghts around my legs are there to help me with proprioception- the realisation that my feet and legs are part of my body, so making them heavier than normal will help me to notice they are there.

And Corey was there to cheer me on! I know I will get there!

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